Hello Sylvia A,
It’s been a while since we wrote to you, but the Say NO – UNiTE network of activists has been anything but silent. This month Say NO - UNiTE recorded over 5 million actions – thanks to the work of our partners like you!
Check out the journey of Say NO – UNiTE in the “5 Million Actions” photo essay and share it with your friends and colleagues. It shows how our actions to end violence against women and girls can make this world a better place for everyone.
We are often asked, what counts as an action? Actions recorded on www.saynotoviolence.org are diverse – from petition drives to changing laws and policies, from awareness raising events to volunteering at local women’s organizations and spreading the message through blogs and tweets – actions big and small, all count towards creating a world free of violence against women and girls.
Join us for conversation on Twitter and Facebook! We want to know what YOU do to make a difference to end violence against women. Tweet a photo or illustration to @SayNO_UNiTE using the hashtag #5millionSayNO or upload it on our Facebook page, showing the world how you say NO.
If you haven’t already taken action, click here to find out how you can become part of the Say NO – UNiTE network.
Thank you for your support. We couldn’t have done this without you.
Say NO – UNiTE Team, UN Women
It’s been a while since we wrote to you, but the Say NO – UNiTE network of activists has been anything but silent. This month Say NO - UNiTE recorded over 5 million actions – thanks to the work of our partners like you!
Check out the journey of Say NO – UNiTE in the “5 Million Actions” photo essay and share it with your friends and colleagues. It shows how our actions to end violence against women and girls can make this world a better place for everyone.
Join us for conversation on Twitter and Facebook! We want to know what YOU do to make a difference to end violence against women. Tweet a photo or illustration to @SayNO_UNiTE using the hashtag #5millionSayNO or upload it on our Facebook page, showing the world how you say NO.
If you haven’t already taken action, click here to find out how you can become part of the Say NO – UNiTE network.
Thank you for your support. We couldn’t have done this without you.
Say NO – UNiTE Team, UN Women