Feminismo y Ateologia es un espacio virtual para la reflexión, es otra mirada del feminismo contemporáneo donde intenta develar y denunciar el establecimiento llamado tradición y costumbre social. El feminismo del hoy tiene la responsabilidad de señalar sin tapujos y sin cortapisas el inequívoco impacto de las religiones que niegan los derechos de las mujeres en todos los aspectos de la vida humana. Sylvia Alonso
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Ending violence against woman and girls

Hello Sylvia,
March will be a special month for all of us who care about ending violence against women and girls. From 4 – 15 March, the United Nations is convening governments and activists from around the world to discuss strategies to end violence against women and girls at the 57th Commission on the Status of Women (#CSW57).
We want to harness this momentum and make ending violence against women trend in everyone’s mind. Join us!
Donate this tweet before 4 March.
7 in 10 women are abused. Ending #violenceagainstwomen & girls starts with YOU! Take action. #SayNOUNiTE. http://saynotoviolence.org #CSW57
We have partnered with “Thunderclap”, a crowdspeaking platform, to store all tweets and release them together on 4 March. Together, we will make the biggest splash on social media with ONE message to end violence against women and girls! Spread the word on Twitter, tell your friends on Facebook and share this email with your networks.
If you are part of an organization working to end violence against women and girls, create a user account here and post your initiative on www.saynotoviolence.org. We will highlight your actions so that more people know and support your work.
Ending violence against women starts with us. Take action.
Say NO – UNiTE Team, UN Women
Saturday, February 02, 2013
LA LUCHA POR LOSDERECHOS CIVILES: MARTIN LUTHER ...: LA LUCHA POR LOS DERECHOS CIVILES: MARTIN LUTHER KING. Casi un siglo después de la abolición de la esclavitud, la comunidad negr...
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