Feminismo y Ateologia es un espacio virtual para la reflexión, es otra mirada del feminismo contemporáneo donde intenta develar y denunciar el establecimiento llamado tradición y costumbre social. El feminismo del hoy tiene la responsabilidad de señalar sin tapujos y sin cortapisas el inequívoco impacto de las religiones que niegan los derechos de las mujeres en todos los aspectos de la vida humana. Sylvia Alonso
Thursday, December 05, 2019
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
The mobilizations of women throughout the Latin American continent today continue to multiply. We are growing in quantity, and especially in the recognition of the impact that our mobilization, unity, and joint work achieves. That impact generates reflection and a denunciation of the patriarchalism that permeates our daily living within our countries.
It is important to note that the performance has a lot of symbolism and hidden meanings, such as when the women crouch it symbolizes when women are detained without justification by the Chilean police. They put them into exercise after ordering them to take off their clothes. The act of being blindfolded makes them more vulnerable and exposed to danger, and finally the penultimate stanza "sleep innocent girl, sleep quietly without worrying about the bandits, for your police lover watches over your sweet dreams" these verses belong to the police anthem From Chile. The title of the song also refers to the Chilean police who for a time had as a slogan "A friend on your Way"
Tuesday, December 03, 2019
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