Sunday, September 12, 2021

Conferencia completa de Judith Butler: "Cuerpos que todavía importan"

"¿Por qué importa Judith Butler?" por Gabriela Cano



                                           FEMINIST MAYORITY



The new reality of 2021 demands immediate action on the ERA. With women’s and human rights in peril globally and abortion rights on the line right here at home, our time to act is now.

Please take action right now to demand an end to the Senate filibuster and clear the way for the ERA!

It’s up to us to ensure the Equal Rights Amendment makes it over the finish line; we have to keep the pressure on.

Our supporters have already taken more than 75,000 collective actions to ensure the ERA is at long last added to the U.S. Constitution. With your help, we have already:

Directed nearly 35,000 messages to Senate offices across the country urging an end to the filibuster and action on the ERA.

Targeted nearly 20,000 messages to Majority Leader Schumer, respectfully urging an end to the filibuster to clear the way for the ERA.

Attempted to hand-deliver 15,000 letters and postcards to Senator Sinema’s office in Arizona and orchestrated a public Twitter campaign to get her attention. She is one of the few senators who hang in the balance of making or breaking an end to the filibuster to clear the way for constitutional rights for women and voting rights for all Americans.

Directed an additional 6,700 messages to Senator Manchin’s office in West Virginia, another key Senator obstructing the elimination of the filibuster.

Rallied in front of the Supreme Court of the United States on Women’s Equality Day with scores of allies to publicly urge the removal of the arbitrary timeline placed in the preamble of the Equal Rights Amendment.


We are pulling out all the stops with our efforts, and we simply cannot afford to let up momentum. Let’s send our message loud and clear.

This Labor Day, and beyond, we’ll be working to ensure that these twenty-four words — Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex — are at long last put in the U.S. Constitution.

For equality,


Ellie Smeal